

The Promise of the Future

In 1972, The Country Day School opened its doors to 49 students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. At the time, the school occupied four acres with just three classrooms, including the original one-room Eversley Schoolhouse built in 1883.

The School undertook three campaigns during the early years. The first raised $111,000 and enabled the official purchase of the property from the York Regional School Board at Auction. 

In 1980, CDS undertook a major expansion - The Promise of the Future - that connected the one-room schoolhouse and added eight classrooms and the David D. Ross Gymnasium. This campaign raised $550,000. 

In 1982 another fundraising campaign raised $160,000 to add an additional 3000 square feet to accommodate our Kindergarten classes and a double classroom for science. 

Since these humble beginnings, CDS has strived to offer a balanced education to all its students.

1978 -  $111,000 raised to purchase the leased original Eversley Schoolhouse and Public School building.
1980 - Junior School Capital Campaign. Goal - $475,000, Raised - $550,000. Major expansion of classroom space and a fully-equipped David D. Ross Gymnasium.
1982 - $160,000 was raised to accommodate new Kindergarten spaces and a science centre.

Our Expansion Years

Over the years, our school grew dramatically, gradually acquiring an additional 96 country acres to accommodate growth. In 1986, we added a separate Senior School and graduated our first Grade 13 class in 1991. That same year, we opened a separate Middle School for Grades 7-8. In 1998, we built a new Middle School which provided a physical connection between the Junior and Senior Schools, and allowed the Junior School to expand into the original Middle School classrooms.

1985-1989 Building for the Future - Goal $1,600,000 Raised $1,900,000.

The Future Link 90's

The Future Link 90s expansion project focussed on program growth in an effort to satisfy the school’s most immediate needs. It incorporated a strategy to meet the demands of an expanding student body and ensure the management of that growth. It was to take place in three phases. Phase 1 included new Pavilion that would include the creation of a dining area, computer science lab, art studio, four additional classrooms, and space for a General Store. Phase 2 and 3, which were never completed, were to include many of the facilities that ended up being included in future campaigns.

1990-1993: The Future Link 90s Campaign. Goal (Phase 1) - $570,000   Raised - $1,750,000.

Growth of Excellence

A Campaign for the Second Generation

The 25th anniversary of CDS in September 1997 also marked the arrival of the second generation of students to enter the school. With the mindset that CDS would continue to flourish as one of the best schools in Canada, it was decided to embark on the largest single expansion of the School’s history (a projected $7.5 million worth of construction).

Phase 1 was to be completed by September 1998 and included a brand new Middle School that would include a new gymnasium, six new classrooms, a science laboratory, and multi-purpose room. Outside facilities would include three new playing fields and an eight-lane track. Phase 2 was to be completed by September 1999 and included the Performing Arts Centre along with expansions to the Senior School Library and Resource Centre, Art Room (in actuality, the PAC opened in January 2002).

1997-2002: The Growth of Excellence Campaign. Goal - $2,000,000  Raised - $3,100,000.

Making Connections

From the late 1990s to 2010, CDS focused on expanding upon its extracurricular facilities, with the addition of a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Centre, Hawksworth Track and Field, a revitalized David D. Ross Gymnasium, the Cyclone Dome, tennis courts and outdoor education facilities.

Then, in 2012, CDS embarked on the most extensive capital campaign in its history with a fundraising goal of $10 million toward a new dining hall and rejuvenated Senior School. Thanks to the huge success of the Making Connections campaign, we welcomed the addition of the Niczowski, Temovsky, Arrigo Dining Hall and rejuvenated Senior School to our campus during the 2015-2016 academic year. This marked the most successful campaign in the history of our school, and our new $20 Million Dining Hall and Senior School reflect this historic achievement. 

2012-2016: Making Connections Campaign. Goal - $10,000,000  Raised Over $10,500,000.

Building Magic

In 2016, the Building Magic Campaign created an inspirational new entrance to the Junior School and a spectacular new signature space that showcases our historic Eversley Schoolhouse - Burns Family Hall. This sunlit atrium provides the Junior School with a versatile venue that is welcoming, celebrates our history, and better connects all components of our Junior School. Outwardly, our new entrance has a bold, fresh look toward Dufferin Street that reflects the wonder and magic taking place within the walls of our Junior School.

The construction of the new primary wing also allowed us to provide purpose built classrooms with new space for our JK and SK students and permanent space for our outdoor education program, replacement and upgrade of classrooms that had been undersized or temporary structures, and included new administrative offices and a Health and Wellness Centre along with a new and modern-day playground, and a relocated playing field to create one seamless and transformative Junior School environment.

Together we raised $8.4 million (Original Goal $5 million, raised to $7 million) toward the $15 million construction cost of the incredible rejuvenation of our Junior School!

At the annual CDS Auction last June, we proudly unveiled plans for a new Fieldhouse as part of our continued efforts to enhance our campus. Since then, our vision has expanded, and we are now dreaming of transforming the Fieldhouse into a larger athletic and educational complex, located on the site of the current dome.

This ambitious project is part of our Dream Together Campaign, an initiative dedicated to advocating fitness for life at CDS. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months about this exciting opportunity to further enrich our community.
Will you join us and Dream Together?
Contact us to find out more

Learn more about our past campaigns here.

Land Acknowledgment

The Country Day School wishes to recognize and acknowledge the land on which the school operates. Our nearest Indigenous Nations are now the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Chippewas of Georgina Island. The Dish with One Spoon Wampum covenant is often cited as an example of the shared responsibility for caring for these lands among the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples who would call these their traditional territories. CDS respects the relationship with these lands and recognizes that our connection to this land can be strengthened by our continued relationship with all First Nations, by acknowledging our shared responsibility to respect and care for the land and waters for future generations.

School Information

Junior, Middle and Senior Schools
13415 Dufferin Street, King, Ontario L7B 1K5 

(905) 833-1220 


Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.