


Senior School

Life in the Senior School

At CDS we are mindful that as students enter the final stages of their educational journey with us, they will be confronted with very difficult life choices, not least of which are post-secondary destinations. We offer the Ontario Secondary School curriculum, as well as some Advanced Placement courses. As students move through their Senior School years, the number and range of optional course offerings increase to reflect greater levels of independence and choice, so that by their final year students have over 20 optional courses from which to choose. Our Senior School staff is committed to a yearly academic renewal process in which new courses are vetted for consideration to ensure students have the opportunity to fully engage their interests and cultivate the skills necessary for future success.

Welcome to the Senior School

As the new Director of Senior School, I am inspired each day as I walk the hallways of our incredible school community.  There are several  facets which guide our principles to support our students to achieve such great success, and I have quickly come to witness that respectful relationships are at the root of our foundation.  Our students feel safe and thrive in an environment that promotes individuality, inclusivity, balance and wellness, fully supporting them in achieving their highest potential.  

Through our dynamic programming, which aligns with the Ontario curriculum and supported by the Advanced Placement program, our students are challenged to think critically, and are immersed in experiences which relate to real world issues.  Our teachers are incredible leaders and are passionate about their areas of expertise.  Additionally, our staff extend themselves well beyond the classroom to provide extracurricular activities that enhance and bring out the amazing gifts our students have, as well as those they have yet to discover.  

Moreover, our Senior School students are very well prepared for post-secondary education on many levels.  We pride ourselves on ensuring that our students are engaged in a collaborative environment with the most intentional instruction, particularly as it relates to specific subject and content areas.  Furthermore, we continue to be committed to providing our students with the tools to assist them in balancing their academic, physical and mental well-being beyond CDS.  

The Senior School is a special place, and I look forward to the many celebrations, fostering of new relationships, and successes to come. 


Danny Viotto
Director of Senior School 

Senior School Facts

List of 4 items.

  • Class Size Guideline

    Class Guideline 22
  • Team Sports

    Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Cross Country, Ice Hockey, Field Hockey, Track & Field, Softball, Baseball, Rugby, Tennis, Golf, Alpine Skiing and Snow Boarding, Ultimate Frisbee, Badminton
  • Extracurriculars

    Debating & Public Speaking, Model United Nations, Social Justice Club, DECA Student Marketing/Business Club, Sustainability Club, Robotics Team, Diversity Club, Health Sciences Club, Mock Trial, Peer Tutoring, Inclusivity Club, Math Competition Preparation, Meridian Yearbook Club, Portraits Art & Literary Magazine, Flag Football, Chess Club & Board Games, Indoor/Outdoor Games Club, Peer Tutoring, Cricket
  • Student-Teacher Ratios


Academic Vision

List of 5 items.

  • Our Academic Vision

    CDS provides an intellectually challenging, diversified and balanced academic program that is learner-centred and delivered through a supportive and caring community dedicated to meeting the individual learning needs of all its students.
  • Academic Approach

    At the heart of The Country Day School’s academic vision is the belief that all students can achieve success and meet their learning goals. A one-size-fits-all approach to learning does not serve the best interests of most students who approach their studies from various learning styles and preferences and at differing stages of skill development. To this end, we diversify our instructional strategies, the content of our curricula and our assessment methods to create an overall approach that focuses on how students are learning.
  • A Place to Discover Your Passion

    Education is a process of living, not a preparation for future living.
    John Dewey

    University preparation is integral to who we are; our curriculum is engaging and challenging. But we also believe that academic rigour should be balanced with opportunities for individual growth, exploration and reflection. We want our students to discover their passions, and to nurture and cultivate them throughout each stage of their educational journey with us.
  • A Caring and Supportive Environment

    Research tells us that one of the single greatest factors affecting student success is the relationship forged between students and teachers. Our classroom teachers, teaching associates, homeroom advisors, guidance councillors, learning strategists, and administrators recognize this connection and are committed to fostering professional yet kind and caring relationships where each student’s needs are supported and addressed.
  • Commitment to Learning and Teaching Excellence

    Our academic program is founded upon a shared vision of teaching and learning principles that is grounded in current research that define the expert teacher as one who:
    • meets the needs of all learners
    • is passionate about teaching and learning
    • has a deep understanding of teaching and learning
    • monitors student learning and uses assessment to improve teaching and learning
    • creates an optimal classroom environment
    • focuses on mastery learning and deep understanding
    • develops self-regulation, self-efficacy and self-esteem in their students
    • offers appropriately challenging tasks and goals


The Country Day School wishes to recognize and acknowledge the land on which the school operates. Our nearest Indigenous Nations are now the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Chippewas of Georgina Island. The Dish with One Spoon Wampum covenant is often cited as an example of the shared responsibility for caring for these lands among the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples who would call these their traditional territories. CDS respects the relationship with these lands and recognizes that our connection to this land can be strengthened by our continued relationship with all First Nations, by acknowledging our shared responsibility to respect and care for the land and waters for future generations.

School Information

Junior, Middle and Senior Schools
13415 Dufferin Street, King, Ontario L7B 1K5 

(905) 833-1220 


Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.