Vision & Wonder – The First 50 Years of The Country Day School
During The Country Day School’s 50th anniversary year (2022-2023), a dedicated contingent of staff, retired faculty and past parents chronicled our first half century in the form of a 50th anniversary coffee table book entitled Vision & Wonder.
From abridging the historical perspectives from lengthier Link articles, drafting themed reflections and conducting interviews, to delving into our archives and digitizing hundreds - dare we say thousands - of old photos, as well as compiling lists of key milestones, Vision & Wonder as been a long time coming.
We are immensely grateful to the alumni and past parent and staff volunteers who assisted in poring through archival photos last year as well, including: Original Alumni Sarah and John van Nostrand, Martha Goodrow '06, Executive Assistant to three Headmasters Wilma West, former Board Chair Carol Proudlock, past parent and volunteer Randee Sorbo, past and current faculty members Donna Carson, Kerstin Wyndham-West, Chris Edwards, Richard Vien, Jennifer Weening and the Community Relations Team: Brent Johnston, Tracey Scott, Zach Lawton and Adriana DeLuca.
As much as we wish we could include many more photos and stories, this book is our best attempt to chronicle The Country Day School’s first five decades. As a school, we are excited about the next 50 years and hope that Vision & Wonder will serve as the foundation for CDS's archival history moving forward.
Thank you for purchasing these treasured memories of a very special place so they may be reshared and enjoyed for years to come!
Scott Garbe
Tabitha Ma ‘12
Steve McCutcheon
Kim Sillcox
The Editorial & Design Team