

Who Doesn't Love S'Mores?

Shannon Mahan and Isabelle Racine
Did you know… that the history of the s’more dates back as far as the early 1900s?
And that marshmallows seem to have a never-ending shelf life and have been around for over
200 years? Or that the s’more name originates from the contraction of the phrase “some more?”

The first s’more recipe appeared in a campfire marshmallow cookbook in the 1920’s where it
was called a “Graham Cracker Sandwich.” It was already a popular treat with Boy and Girl Scout groups across the United States, and soon enough, it was an essential item to cook while
enjoying the outdoors in Canada.

Even though s’mores have been around for a loooong time, the original method of making a s’more remains the same. To test the validity of the ancient recipe, Junior School Cooking Club Chefs joined forces with Nature Club members. Everyone had the opportunity to dabble in the art of creating the perfect s’more over safe and well-constructed campfires in the back 40 acres.

Final verdict?
The original s’more recipe from the 1900’s is simply delicious, why mess with perfection?!
If you agree and would like to honor history, celebrate with a homemade s’more on National
S’more Day, August 10th, 2024.

Cheers, and see you at the firepit with your marshmallow twigs ready to go!

Land Acknowledgment

The Country Day School wishes to recognize and acknowledge the land on which the school operates. Our nearest Indigenous Nations are now the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Chippewas of Georgina Island. The Dish with One Spoon Wampum covenant is often cited as an example of the shared responsibility for caring for these lands among the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples who would call these their traditional territories. CDS respects the relationship with these lands and recognizes that our connection to this land can be strengthened by our continued relationship with all First Nations, by acknowledging our shared responsibility to respect and care for the land and waters for future generations.

School Information

Junior, Middle and Senior Schools
13415 Dufferin Street, King, Ontario L7B 1K5 

(905) 833-1220 


Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.