Mariella – Grade 10

“CDS is more of a community and family-based school where we have a chance to connect with people across all three schools. The teachers are very personable and it becomes a home away from home – a safe place to be.”

She has been at CDS since JK, which qualifies her as a “CDS Lifer” when she graduates. She has played on the CDS soccer and volleyball teams and been involved in Debating since Grade 4. Mariella is now the Captain of Mock Trial and recently competed at DECA provincials in Toronto. She plans to try out for either ultimate frisbee or softball this spring.

While she likes her entire school day, her favourite part is the end of the day because that offers a chance for everyone to come together and catch up with friends.

Her cousin just joined CDS this year and she told him to come in with an open mind and try and find what really interests him. “That’s the way you meet like-minded people. So far so good!”

Mariella is a big fan of Science with Mr. Mejia and Computer Engineering and Economics. At lunch she strives to balance her plate with protein, carbs, fruits and veggies, which is easy to do with the wide selection of offerings, and sit with her friends at one big table.

The length of time she spends on homework really depends on the week and how many tests, but averages about two hours.

School Information

13415 Dufferin Street King, Ontario L7B 1K5
(905) 833-1220
Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.