

Susie Bousada

Student Experience
My three children started the same year at The Country Day School when they were in Grades 7, 5 and 3. The school made sure that they knew at least one other student before they started through their mentorship program. Now that they have all graduated, I can honestly say that the experiences they had helped form the people they have become. The teachers were amazing and encouraging and pushed them to be their best. All three have felt well prepared for their post-secondary studies. The extracurriculars offered at CDS, including the drama, choir, student council, and athletics are what my kids loved the most. Coming from a public school, they really appreciated all of the extras available to them. The after-school sports offerings are what all three would say was their absolute favourite. We are grateful to CDS for providing the most amazing balance of academics, sports and leadership.

School Leadership
When we entered CDS for the first time at an evening open house, we could feel it was an amazing place. Nine years later we still feel the same way. Faculty, staff and administrators work hard to make each family feel like a valued part of the school community. I think the greatest example of positive communication has been during the difficult time of the pandemic. It was probably not easy keeping all of us informed of the decisions made at the school level, but I always felt like the school kept us well informed through emails, letters and videos.

The teachers at CDS all seem to be experts in their area of teaching. Not only are they knowledgeable, but in most cases, they’re passionate. That passion seems to inspire the students. My kids have experienced the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. The teachers in the Junior School were amazing at recognizing the needs of my kids. One of them needed support and the teachers recognized that and communicated that to us. Support was given throughout the rest of her time at CDS through the amazing work of the Student Services Centre (SSC). This child went on to be an honours student with distinction and a confident leader. Another one of my kids needed enrichment which helped inspire him to learn new things. The Middle School gave the kids a taste of independence and a chance to try new things in preparation for high school. Senior School came with great expectations from the teachers. I feel like all of my kids were pushed constantly to do their best and to be independent learners and thinkers. One of my children even received a handwritten note from a teacher who had noticed that he wasn’t trying as hard as he could be. She encouraged him to live up to his potential. That to me is a passionate teacher. I’ll forever be grateful to her.

The high standards of academics is one of the reasons we enrolled our kids at CDS. One of the best things about academics at CDS are the small class sizes. This allows for individualized attention which benefits all the students. Also, the teachers are very approachable for extra help or further discussions or enrichment when needed. Essentially, the academics at CDS are flexible enough to cater to individual student needs. I have two CDS graduates who are now attending university. Both of them have felt prepared academically for their studies. Both learned how to study, take notes, and manage their time while at CDS. At university, they are able to answer questions, participate in class discussions, give presentations and take exams. I believe that CDS gave them the confidence and knowledge to do so.

An integral part of my kid's positive experience at CDS has been the extracurriculars. To go from a public school where there were little to no extracurriculars available, to The Country Day School, was a dream come true for them. It was a huge part of their positive experience at the school. My kids who started in Junior School were able to play on sports teams, join the band and choir, and my daughter was part of a school production of Oliver Twist. It far exceeded my expectations! Also in Middle and Senior School, my kids experienced student leadership opportunities which taught them about being leaders, promoting school spirit and working with people. All three of my kids have always loved sports and have played anytime they could. The sports teams available at CDS have taught them teamwork, fair play, competitiveness and humility. Plus they were able to try new things like rugby and ultimate frisbee. I’m sure when they look back at their high school days they will remember the teams and the friendships more than their schoolwork!

When we first started at the school, it was a lot smaller than it is today. However, with just over 800 students in JK-12, and about 80 in each of the high school grades, families can still really get to know each other. I’ve heard it said that because the school is this size, students get to know each other very well by Grade 12 and become quite close, almost like family.

School Life
My kids have loved their time at CDS. They have all made friendships that I believe will last a lifetime. They've been taught the importance of academics, but also the importance of doing more than just school. Through extracurricular programs, charity work, and special events, like coffee houses, students are given the ability to shine. Each student, if willing, is given the opportunity to try new things and find what they love and what they're good at. Students feel recognized and are also taught lifelong lessons like respect for others, acceptance, resilience and balance. Since we've been at CDS, there have been several additions to the school that have added to the quality of life for the students. The Dining Hall has been a gift to students and parents alike! The addition of the new Senior School, the new sports fields, and the new Junior School, as well as many technological advancements, have all added to the quality of life and education for the students.

Getting Involved in the Community
From the very first day at CDS, our family was warmly welcomed by the school community. In September, the school hosts a Welcome Back Barbeque which gives all families the opportunity to meet other families, faculty and staff. There are numerous opportunities for parents to get involved in the life of CDS if it's something a parent wants to do. Being a Grade Parent, joining the Parent Association, general volunteering, being on the Auction Committee, or working in the General Store, are all great ways to get involved. Also throughout the year, there are organized events, such as coffee mornings/lunches, curriculum nights, or walks in the 'Back 40,' that give parents an opportunity to connect and feel part of the CDS community.

School Information

13415 Dufferin Street King, Ontario L7B 1K5
(905) 833-1220
Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.