


Auction 2025 -  Friday, May 30th!

The CDS Dinner & Auction is our most anticipated adult social event, as well as the largest fundraiser of the year. The evening features live music and entertainment, cocktails and dinner, a live and silent auction, and much more. CDS families and friends have been coming together to celebrate and make this event a huge success since 1974, raising in excess of $6 million dollars since the beginning.

The CDS Dinner & Auction has historically been referred to as the “best annual event in King.” First held in 1974 at Eaton Hall on Seneca College’s King campus, this unforgettable event has consistently raised upwards of $200,000 each year, for the past 47 years!

For over ten years, this event has been held in our Cyclone Dome, which gets transformed from soccer dome to party setting. The photos and videos will bring the event to life for you, but can only attempt to do it justice.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors, advertisers and donors to this year's event. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at events@cds.on.ca


What Does the Money Raised from the Auction Support?

Each year the School identifies an area of greatest need for the funds from the Annual Dinner & Auction to be directed toward. On average, the event has raised in excess of $200,000 over the past few years.
In the past years, funds raised have been directed toward:

2011 – Paul C. Duckett Endowment Fund
2012-2016 – Making Connections Campaign
2017 – Outdoor Seating and Scoreboards beside Hawksworth Field
2018 – Traffic Light on Dufferin Street
2019 – Rejuvenation of the Junior School Wing
2020-2022 – No Event due to COVID-19
2023 – Building Magic Campaign

Who is the Auction Planning Commitee?

    • Catrina Marzilli – Co-Chair
    • Sarah Powell – Co-Chair
    • Jenn Cammalleri    
    • Jessica Longo    
    • Rosalind Matrosov    
    • Milli Pajpani    
    • Kathy Tsiolis  
    • Tania Pasquino  
    • Priya Paul    
    • Alicia Grossi    
    • Roopa Makwana    
    • Tami Turner



Frequently Asked Questions

List of 6 items.

  • Can I see what is available to bid on?

    Shortly we will be releasing the live portion of the Auction catalogue for review prior to the evening of. Guests that have purchased tickets will receive them during the week of May 19th.

    If you are unable to attend the auction, but would still like to peruse some of the amazing items we have available, please reach out to us at auction@cds.on.ca to secure a copy of the catalogue. Absenteeism bidding can be arranged with a friend attending if you choose.
  • How Can I Donate to Auction?

    You can donate to our live and silent auction by completing the online donation form. We do not require the item at this time, only a commitment.
    If you prefer, you can make a cash donations towards the overall event.
    We also encourage you to visit our Advertising and Sponsorship pages to see more opportunities available to you.
  • How does our Dinner & Auction differ from a Gala?

    The Country Day School Dinner & Auction is our largest social evening of the year and specifically hosted for our Parent community. As well as being a great social event, the evening is also the School’s largest fundraising event.
    Auction celebrates its 49th anniversary this year, something we are very proud of. However, we realize that unless you’ve been before, you may have no concept of what the evening entails. In fact, your thoughts may automatically go to a livestock or car auction … rest assured, this is not what this evening is about!
    The evening is a casual one – dress in whatever you are comfortable in. No evening dresses or tuxedos required! The evening starts with a cocktail hour and raffle, unique entertainment and the silent auction begins. A served dinner and live auction follow. The remainder of the evening will then feature live entertainment, dancing and the conclusion of the silent auction.
    If you still don’t have a clear picture of the event, we encourage you to take the time to look at the photos from our most recent Auctions, and watch the dome transformation video – as we take an indoor soccer field and turn it into an amazing party space.
  • Who is the Auction 2025 Committee?

    Catrina Marzilli – Co-Chair
    Sarah Powell – Co-Chair
    Jenn Cammalleri    
    Jessica Longo    
    Rosalind Matrosov    
    Milli Pajpani    
    Kathy Tsiolis  
    Tania Pasquino  
    Priya Paul    
    Alicia Grossi    
    Roopa Makwana    
    Tami Turner
  • Who can attend and where is the party held?

    It is a fun-filled party for over 500 people and includes parents, friends, alumni, staff and former parents - right here on the CDS Campus, in our own Cyclone Dome, on Friday, May 30. Feel free to invite your non-CDS friends to join us for the evening!
  • What does the money from Auction 2025 go toward?

    Each year the School identifies an area of greatest need for the funds from the Annual Auction to be directed toward. Each year the event is very successful, raising in excess of $200,000 toward a variety of initiatives.
    2011 – Paul C. Duckett Endowment Fund
    2012-2016 – Making Connections Campaign
    2017 – Outdoor Seating and Scoreboards beside Hawksworth Field
    2018 – Traffic Light on Dufferin Street
    2019 – Rejuvenation of the Junior School Wing
    2020-2022 – No Event due to COVID-19
    2023 – Building Magic Campaign

Land Acknowledgement

The Country Day School wishes to recognize and acknowledge the land on which the school operates. Our nearest Indigenous Nations are now the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Chippewas of Georgina Island. The Dish with One Spoon Wampum covenant is often cited as an example of the shared responsibility for caring for these lands among the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples who would call these their traditional territories. CDS respects the relationship with these lands and recognizes that our connection to this land can be strengthened by our continued relationship with all First Nations, by acknowledging our shared responsibility to respect and care for the land and waters for future generations.

School Information

Junior, Middle and Senior Schools
13415 Dufferin Street, King, Ontario L7B 1K5 

(905) 833-1220 


Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.