Global Summits featuring Google for Education is a two-day, high-intensity event focused on deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education (GAFE) to promote student learning.
Over a weekend in October, Greenwood College School played host to the EdTechTeam Toronto Summit, bringing together a large group of dynamic educators from across the globe. The Country Day School was fortunate to have 15 representatives attend the Summit, including teachers from across all three divisions of the School. Sessions included two keynote presentations, a demo slam competition, and a closing capstone session, plus two full days of informative breakouts, cutting-edge demonstrations, and hands-on workshops led by experienced and knowledgeable professional developers. Participants were able to attend beginner through advanced sessions on the many uses of Google Apps in the classroom.
As evidenced from the sheer energy of the teachers in attendance, the Summit proved to be much more than a GAFE experience. After spending two days learning, sharing and collaborating with colleagues, the representatives have returned as an excited group of empowered educators ready to inspire!
With a vision for student learning, focused on collaboration, engagement, differentiation, creative learning environments, and student agency, we are even better equipped as inspired teachers to meet the needs of each student as they work toward their personal learning goals. These teachers are already implementing these new strategies and tools into their teaching in support of student learning. The next step is to share these inspirations with their colleagues in the near future.
Submitted by Lara Gee, Technology Integration Specialist, Junior School
The Country Day School wishes to recognize and acknowledge the land on which the school operates. Our nearest Indigenous Nations are now the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and the Chippewas of Georgina Island. The Dish with One Spoon Wampum covenant is often cited as an example of the shared responsibility for caring for these lands among the Huron-Wendat, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples who would call these their traditional territories. CDS respects the relationship with these lands and recognizes that our connection to this land can be strengthened by our continued relationship with all First Nations, by acknowledging our shared responsibility to respect and care for the land and waters for future generations.
Founded in 1972, The Country Day School is a co-educational private school offering programs in JK-12 and located on 100 acres north of Toronto in King.